A Social History of Golf: Racism in American Golf 인문,사회과학편 : 골프의 사회사: 미국 골프와 인종주의
50(5) 1-18, 2011
A Social History of Golf: Racism in American Golf 인문,사회과학편 : 골프의 사회사: 미국 골프와 인종주의
This article examines an issue of debate in the social history of American Sports: racial discrimination in golf. This research is based on an examination of historical events and has its aims to explore the contextual background behind the racism. The research findings can be summarized as follows. First, unlike boxing or horse racing, American golf, had its genesis in the hands of a white upper-class group, the "Apple Tree Gang". The reasons why golf was started by white Americans were the social institutions and cultural practice or traditions of the times. Second, the racism in American Golf existed based on an elaborate ideology of "separate but equal" and political and legal spheres were clear contextual backgrounds of the racism. Finally, racial discrimination was able to hold out for a longer period in golf than other sports because of the economic status of African-Americans and because class discrimination was a distinctive characteristic of golf.
Key Words
Golf history, racial discrimination of American golf
The Study on the First Korean Baseball Game 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 최초 야구 경기에 대한 고찰
손환HwanSon , 이가람KaRamLee
50(5) 19-28, 2011
The Study on the First Korean Baseball Game 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 최초 야구 경기에 대한 고찰
손환HwanSon , 이가람KaRamLee
This study aims to provide fundamental materials to establish a systematic Korean baseball history by considering baseball games played by foreigners published in 『The Independent』which is an English version of Dong-nip-shin-mun (The Independence Newspaper), first issued in 1896. According to the previous studies regarding baseball games, the game played in Incheon in 1899 was thought of as the first Korean baseball game. However, the first baseball game in Korea was already played between the USA marines and USA residents on April 25th in 1896. Since then, baseball games had been making much progress around the foreign residents in Seoul. In addition, not only did foreigners participated in the games held in Seoul, but also many koreans participated in these games as spectators. Therefore, the first Korean baseball game held in Seoul is considered as an important event which introduced modern sports culture to Koreans who were unfamiliar with modern sports.
Key Words
korean baseball, first baseball game, baseball introduction
Issues on the Versions of Jixiaoxinshu Introduced to Joseon Dynasty 인문,사회과학편 : 조선에 도입된 『기효신서』의 판본
50(5) 29-37, 2011
Issues on the Versions of Jixiaoxinshu Introduced to Joseon Dynasty 인문,사회과학편 : 조선에 도입된 『기효신서』의 판본
The purpose of this study was to establish which versions of the Jixiaoxinshu affected the compilation of the martial arts manuals of Joseon. During the Imjin War (1592-1598), the tactics and martial arts of General Qi Ji-Guang from Ming-China were introduced to Joseon in order to effectively counter Japanese attacks. General Qi’s manual, the Jixiaoxinshu, which embodies the essence of his strategic principles on tactics and martial arts against the Wako (Japanese pirates) was considered to be applicable to the Joseon situation. There have been many different editions of Jixiaoxinshu, which can be categorized to the 18 volumes version and the 14 volumes version, both of which had been introduced to Joseon. However, it’s not clearly known which versions of Jixiaoxinshu were consulted to compile which specific Joseon martial arts manuals. This study shows that the Muyejebo (1598) adopted the 14 volumes version while the Muyejebobeonyeoksokjip (1610) adopted the 18 volumes version of the Jixiaoxinshu, even though the 18 volumes version was compiled earlier than the 14 volumes version. Additionally it shows that the Jixiaoxinshu version referred to with the name ‘Minbon’ (閩本) in the Korean historical records, denotes the 18 volumes version of the Jixiaoxinshu.
Key Words
Jixiaoxinshu, Muyejebo, Muyejebobeonyeoksokjip
Sport as a Proper Name : The Question on Possibility of Meaning-Focusing on the Kripke’s ‘Casual Theory of Names’- 인문,사회과학편 : 고유명으로서의 ‘스포츠’ : 의미 가능성의 문제-크립키의 ‘인과적 이름이론’을 중심으로-
50(5) 39-55, 2011
Sport as a Proper Name : The Question on Possibility of Meaning-Focusing on the Kripke’s ‘Casual Theory of Names’- 인문,사회과학편 : 고유명으로서의 ‘스포츠’ : 의미 가능성의 문제-크립키의 ‘인과적 이름이론’을 중심으로-
We have names in order to objects as proper name of sport. Could the linguistic signs that do not actually have any referents in the world be meaningful? This is one of the main issues that Frege dealt with in the classical 1892 paper ‘On Sense and Reference’. One possibility is that reference is mediated by descriptive beliefs that speakers associate with names. This is the approach taken by descriptive theories of reference like those of Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell. Another possibility is that names as ‘sport’ refer to objects as sport direct reference strategy pioneered by Saul kripke. I argue that Kripke’s attack on classic descriptivism is not strong enough to refute a moderate descriptivist view. The moderate descriptivist view can be produced, in part, by relativizing individuating knowledge to speakers and showing the needed semantic contribution of these beliefs to a name as a ‘sport’ on an occasion of use. Kripke calls genuine naming expressions rigid designators. I argue that Kripke’s account of cognitive significance and identity statements doesn’t recommend a direct reference over a descriptivist view. I recommend a new model as synthetic model of casual theoretic element in this paper.
Key Words
Proper name, rigid designator, sport, casual theory of name, direct reference, Kripke
Possibility and Value of Sports as Culture Contents 인문,사회과학편 : 문화 콘텐츠로써 스포츠의 가능성과 가치
50(5) 57-66, 2011
Possibility and Value of Sports as Culture Contents 인문,사회과학편 : 문화 콘텐츠로써 스포츠의 가능성과 가치
The purpose of the study was to theoretical base of sports contents by finding possibility and value of sports as culture contents. The study could check implications in change of recognition about sports contents getting an unkind treatment socially and the possibility of sports contents as a part of culture contents. Namely, sports in modern society are playing an important role as culture contents and securing their position as a core cause of social structural change. To objectify such sides, the study suggested possibility and conditions of sports as culture contents, utility form and ground of social context. On the basis of theoretical review on their possibility, when the study reviewed their value, the study got the following conclusion. First, the value of sports as culture contents is a tool of social and cultural communication. Second, it is a means to pull down boundaries among countries and ethnic races. Third, it is a medium of contents integration. Fourth, it is an existence of social transfer and context. Fifth, the core of sports contents is creativity and emotion. As above, the range of sports has the possibility and value as culture contents diversely. However, sports as culture contents are still not enough too much. To make sports play a lot of roles in the market of culture contents, it is urgent to improve investment in professional human resources and weak investment environment.
Key Words
culture contents, sports contents, sports, social contex
The Adjustment to Korean Society of the Philippino Migrant Workers Through Participation in "Sunday Basketball League" 인문,사회과학편 : 필리핀 이주노동자들의 「일요 농구리그」참가를 통한 한국 사회 적응
임수원SooWoenLim , 박현권HyunKwonPark
50(5) 67-79, 2011
The Adjustment to Korean Society of the Philippino Migrant Workers Through Participation in "Sunday Basketball League" 인문,사회과학편 : 필리핀 이주노동자들의 「일요 농구리그」참가를 통한 한국 사회 적응
임수원SooWoenLim , 박현권HyunKwonPark
The purpose of this study was to prove the meaning of ``Sunday Basketball League`` for Philippino migrant workers, and to understand ``Sunday Basketball League``s roles for their settlement in Korean society. 12 participants who were participating in Sunday Basketball League were selected for case study. Data was collected by participant observation and in-depth interview. Text analysis was conducted and six main themes were emerged. First, research participants developed self identity. Second, research participants relieved distresses of life as a migrant. Third, ``Sunday Basketball League was used for their leisure activity. Fourth, ``Sunday Basketball League`` was used as a network for communication and information exchanging. Fifth, ``Sunday Basketball League played a intermediate role to help them to be adjusted to Korean society. Finally, ``Sunday Basketball League played a role as a weekend enclave where players, their family members, and the other Philippino workers can take a break from their stressful routine.
Key Words
Philippino migrant workers, sunday Basketball League, case study, self identity
The Causal Model Among Place Experience in Sports Space of Local College in USA, Place Image, Placeness and Local Community 인문,사회과학편 : 미국 지역대학 스포츠공간에서의 장소경험, 장소이미지, 장소성, 지역공동체 간의 가설적 인과모형
50(5) 81-92, 2011
The Causal Model Among Place Experience in Sports Space of Local College in USA, Place Image, Placeness and Local Community 인문,사회과학편 : 미국 지역대학 스포츠공간에서의 장소경험, 장소이미지, 장소성, 지역공동체 간의 가설적 인과모형
The purpose of this study was to identify the casual model among place experience in sports space of local college in USA, place image, placeness and local community. Students, school staffs and local residents who participated in sports space of local college, 277 samples were obtained as usable data by random sampling. In order to test, AMOS 18.0 program was used in this study for verifying research model. As a result, First, the place experience in sports space of local college had directly significantly effect on place image. Second, the place experience in sports space of local college had directly·indirectly significantly effect on placeness. Third, the place experience in sports space of local college had indirectly significantly effect on local community. Fourth, the place image of local college`s sports space had directly significantly effect on placeness. Fifth, the placeness of local college`s sports space had directly significantly effect on community. Sixth, the place image of local college`s sports space had indirectly significantly effect on community.
Key Words
sports space, sports facilities, place experience, place image, placeness, place identity, Local community
A Study on Relationships Among Leisure Awareness, Sports Attitude and Sports Socialization in Sports Club Participants of University 인문,사회과학편 : 대학 스포츠동아리 참가자의 여가인식과 스포츠태도 및 스포츠사회화의 관계
전태준TaeJoonChun , 이승희SeungHeeLee
50(5) 93-105, 2011
A Study on Relationships Among Leisure Awareness, Sports Attitude and Sports Socialization in Sports Club Participants of University 인문,사회과학편 : 대학 스포츠동아리 참가자의 여가인식과 스포츠태도 및 스포츠사회화의 관계
전태준TaeJoonChun , 이승희SeungHeeLee
This study is to examine the relative effects of leisure awareness on sports attitude and sports socialization among participants in sports club of college, as well as to provide information for establishing the activities in sports club as a part of leisure for college students. For this purpose, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis through SPSS 17.0 are applied for the analysis of the study with the final sample of 482 college students. In accordance with the research method and process mentioned above, the study produced the following results. First, there are differences in the extent of sports socialization depending on individual characteristics. Second, leisure awareness is significantly related to sports attitude. Third, leisure awareness is significantly related to sports socialization. Fourth, sports attitude is significantly related to sports socialization. Last, casual relatoinships within the path analysis model were revealed leisure awareness, sports attitude, and sports socialization.
Key Words
sports club, Leisure awareness, sports attitude, sport socialization
The Meaning of Taekwondo Participation and Observation Experience 인문,사회과학편 : 하는 태권도와 보는 태권도의 체험에 대한 의미
민병석ByeongSeokMin , 이종영JongYoungLee
50(5) 107-118, 2011
The Meaning of Taekwondo Participation and Observation Experience 인문,사회과학편 : 하는 태권도와 보는 태권도의 체험에 대한 의미
민병석ByeongSeokMin , 이종영JongYoungLee
The purpose of this study is to provide meaning on the difference between the experiences of "Taekwondo Participation" and "Taekwondo Observation." Such analysis is an approach necessary for seeking the ways of meaning development of Taekwondo competitions. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study From July, 2009 when the outline of the study was given, additional investigations such as participant observation, ethnographic interview, and archival research to collect data were carried out. First, the experiences of Taekwondo Participation and Observation are different. Taekwondo players walking down their lonely journey, they set their goals for competitions and devote themselves to win. However, spectators experience Taekwondo Observation Even those who have been close to Taekwondo only have a dim recollection of Taekwondo that they learned, saw, and heard in the past. Second, the objectives of Taekwondo Participation and Observation are different. Taekwondo Participation requires learning winning strategies through hard training, and the players aim to win in competitions using the strategies. However, the Taekwondo spectators do not fully understand the rules of competitions and only watch Taekwondo matches while having an image of Taekwondo in their mind recognizing that Taekwondo originated from Korea.
Key Words
taekwondo participation, taekwondo observation, meaning of experience, phenomenology
Development Plans for the Increase the Number of the Elementary Table Tennis Players 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 탁구선수 저변확대를 위한 발전 방안 모색
배종환JongHwanBae , 윤양진YangJinYoon
50(5) 119-128, 2011
Development Plans for the Increase the Number of the Elementary Table Tennis Players 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 탁구선수 저변확대를 위한 발전 방안 모색
배종환JongHwanBae , 윤양진YangJinYoon
This research aims to prepare the development of the elite table tennis in the future by suggesting the way to develop and increase the number of elementary table tennis players. Amongst the elite table tennis experts, twenty-three were selected through purposeful sampling method and they were questioned three times with the delpi method. The following results were gained, using SPSS 12.0 through the analyses of frequency and one way ANOVA. First, the obstacles of increasing the number of elementary table tennis players were pointed out in order of frequency: the absence of first-rate coaches caused by low payment, the lack of investment to the table tennis players, and the indifference of school officials. Second, as a way of improvement, the job security for the coaches, the necessity of a club system linked with sports for all, and the financial support for the first-rate coaches were suggested. Thirdly, teaching experts predicted good possibilities of changes in the methods for development and both teaching and researching experts agreed with the changes. Fourthly, the necessity of star players` publicizing with the media and the opening of a communal table tennis class by the professional table tennis team linked with its community were highly expected in terms of the possibility of change and the extent of hope. As a way of development, the following measures are considered to be necessary: star players` publicizing with the media, the opening of a communal table tennis class by the professional table tennis team linked with its community, the supply of a vision for table tennis through semi-professional shoes, the holding of the joint match resulted from the connection between elite table tennis and table tennis for all.
Key Words
delphi, elementary table tennis player, base extension
Analysis of Social Resisting Discourses of Dance Presented in Movie: Focusing on "Billy Elliot" 인문,사회과학편 : 영화에서 나타난 춤의 사회저항적 담론 분석 - <빌리 엘리어트>를 중심으로
조성식SeongSikCho , 황미경MiKyungHwang
50(5) 129-137, 2011
Analysis of Social Resisting Discourses of Dance Presented in Movie: Focusing on "Billy Elliot" 인문,사회과학편 : 영화에서 나타난 춤의 사회저항적 담론 분석 - <빌리 엘리어트>를 중심으로
조성식SeongSikCho , 황미경MiKyungHwang
This study was designed to analyze the symbolic meanings and discourses portrayed through dance in movie in terms of social conflicts and struggles between dominant and subordinate ideologies. For the study, the film, ``Billy Elliot`` was selected because it represents the strong social implications regarding gender and class, and the interpretive textual analysis was employed. The results showed that: First, the main character, Billy, struggled to start to learn ballet because ballet was regarded as a male-sex inappropriate cultural form and that he tried to escape from the traditional gender stereotyped social structure and to avoid from socialization into boxing which seems to be the most masculine sport in the coal-mining town. Second, to learn ballet seemed to challenge the class boundary about consumption of cultural activities and finally to work as a mechanism of social upward mobility and triumph of ideological conflicts. Finally, this study argued that dance represented in ``Billy Elliot`` worked as a medium of social resistance against the dominant ideologies around gender and class.
Key Words
dance, movie, social resistance, dominant ideology, gender, class
Relationship Between Sport Volunteerism and Social Capital of University Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생의 스포츠 자원봉사와 사회자본의 관계
조명진MyeongJinCho , 권민혁MinHyukKwon
50(5) 139-150, 2011
Relationship Between Sport Volunteerism and Social Capital of University Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생의 스포츠 자원봉사와 사회자본의 관계
조명진MyeongJinCho , 권민혁MinHyukKwon
This paper is mainly aimed to examine the relationship between university students` sport volunteerism and social capital. The subjects were university students who are in attendance at three university in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Chungcheong, and total 528 surveys were used for the actual analysis. The collected data were conducted t-test, One Way-ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis with SPSS 14.0 Version. Thereby, the following results are gained. First, it was found that social capital differed by the undergraduates` sport volunteerism participation. Second, it was found that the undergraduate sport volunteers` participation motives affected social capital. Third, it was found that the factors of the undergraduate sport volunteers` participation degree affected social capital partially.
Key Words
sport volunteerism, participation motive, participation degree, social capital
A Study of Haptic Perception Accuracy Depending on Perception-Action Coupling 인문,사회과학편 : 지각-동작 결합에 따른 촉지각 정확성의 연구
박철욱ChulWookPark , 김선진SeonJinKim
50(5) 151-162, 2011
A Study of Haptic Perception Accuracy Depending on Perception-Action Coupling 인문,사회과학편 : 지각-동작 결합에 따른 촉지각 정확성의 연구
박철욱ChulWookPark , 김선진SeonJinKim
The purpose of this study is to investigate the non visual haptic perception accuracy, that is, whether perception-action coupling(PAC) influences the haptic perception ability in racket sports. For the experiments, the haptic perception abilities of five male table tennis experts and five male novices were examined in two different conditions( uncoupled and coupled). Two-way ANOVA was used for the analysis to see the uncoupled and coupled haptic perception precision including the expertise. The conclusion of this study is as follows. Just as confirmed in the previous research on PAC, this research shows that the group of players with expert-level skill get higher performances than novice players not only in uncoupled performances but also in coupled ones. The important finding from this result is that, concerning with the skill level and the condition of the task, the experts` coupled action influences haptic perception accuracy more than the novices`. Through those findings comes a possible explanation that haptic perception accuracy depneding on PAC can indicate the important facts in the field of racket sports expertise.
The Effects of Goal Orientations and Perfectionism on Self-handicapping Among Adolescent Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년 운동선수의 성취목표와 완벽주의가 자기-핸디캡에 미치는 효과
50(5) 163-172, 2011
The Effects of Goal Orientations and Perfectionism on Self-handicapping Among Adolescent Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년 운동선수의 성취목표와 완벽주의가 자기-핸디캡에 미치는 효과
The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of achievement goals and perfectionism on self-handicapping strategy on adolescent athletes. Participants were 555 adolescent athletes (412 males, 171 females) form physical education high schools and responded to a set of questionnaires measuring 2×2 sport achievement goals, perfectionism, and self-handicapping. For data analysis descriptive statistics, correlation, and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted. Results were as follows. First, performance-avoidance, mastery-avoidance goals, and negative reaction to imperfection were predictors of male athletes` self-handicapping strategy, but significant interaction effects were not found. Second, only performance-avoidance goals was the strongest predictor of female athletes` self-handicapping strategy. Especially significant interaction between the hifger level of mastery-approach goal and pursuit of perfectionism as well as between the higher level of mastery-approach goal and negative reaction to imperfection had influence on female athletes` self- handicapping. The results suggest that the orientation of mastery-approach goal will be more effective than pursuing the performance of perfect skills regarding to prevent the adoption of self-handicapping strategy.
The Structural Relationship of Self-determination Motivation, Academic Self-efficacy, Self-directed Learning Ability and Physical Education Flow Among Middle School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 자기결정동기, 학업적 자기효능감, 자기주도적 학습력 및 체육수업몰입 간의 구조적 관계
50(5) 173-183, 2011
The Structural Relationship of Self-determination Motivation, Academic Self-efficacy, Self-directed Learning Ability and Physical Education Flow Among Middle School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 자기결정동기, 학업적 자기효능감, 자기주도적 학습력 및 체육수업몰입 간의 구조적 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate structural relationship of self-determination, academic self-efficacy, self-directed learning ability and physical education among middle students. The sample consists of 478 in incheon who was chosen randomly using the cluster sampling. Data were analyzed using Cronbach`s α, Pearson correlation analysis, factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model(SEM). The research findings were as follows: first, the four latent variables were allowed to correlate with one another. the measurement model had appropriate reliability and validity. Second, the model that was excluded ``self-determination motivation→academic self-efficacy``, ``self-determination motivation→self-directed learning ability``, ``self-determination motivation→physical education flow``, ``academic self-efficacy→self-directed learning ability``, ``academic self-efficacy→physical education flow``, ``self-directed learning ability→physical education flow`` path was satisfied, fitness. Third, self-determination motivation had direct and indirect effects on academic self-efficacy, self-directed learning ability, physical education flow.
The Effects of Learning Activities on Exercise Performance of University Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 대학 운동선수들의 학습활동이 운동수행에 미치는 영향
김한별HanByulKim , 최영준YoungJunChoi
50(5) 185-193, 2011
The Effects of Learning Activities on Exercise Performance of University Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 대학 운동선수들의 학습활동이 운동수행에 미치는 영향
김한별HanByulKim , 최영준YoungJunChoi
This study was conducted to investigate positive and negative effects of learning activities of university athletes on exercise performance. To achieve the purpose of the study, 452 athletes, including male and female athletes in K University were selected as the subjects. In this study, open-ended questions were used, and expert group meeting was held to secure the reliability and feasibility of the study, which led to systemized fields to be interpretable and meaningful. As a result, while learning activities of university athletes had a positive effect on physical performance in parts of physical strength, skills, mind and others, they also had a negative effect on physical performance physically and psychologically. Moreover, this study is expected to establish the foundation for establishment of desirable images of student athletes in which the Government and the sporting world have currently taken much interest and provided basic and useful data enough for the concerned with sports to regard as actual guidelines for establishment of future major policies.
Key Words
qualitative research, Learning activity, exercise performance, university athletes
Priority Order Evaluation of Selection Attributes of the Ski Resort Through AHP 인문,사회과학편 : AHP를 이용한 스키리조트 선택속성의 중요도 우선순위 평가
50(5) 195-208, 2011
Priority Order Evaluation of Selection Attributes of the Ski Resort Through AHP 인문,사회과학편 : AHP를 이용한 스키리조트 선택속성의 중요도 우선순위 평가
The purpose of this study is to provide fundamental data for reasonable and effective management of ski resort businesses by investigating priority order of the importance of ski resort industry selection attributes. For the survey object, total 22 of people were selected as a sample by purposeful sampling, including 9 managers from D, E, H, K, M, O, P, S, Y ski resorts, 5 people with a Ph. D in the ski resort related filed, 5 of professors involved in leisure sports, and 3 administrators of club web community with the largest number of club members. In this process, factors were extracted over 3 rounds from January 6th to February 23rd 2011 by using delphi technique and the importance priority order was analyzed by conducting analytic hierarchy process(AHP) of the extracted factors. For the data processing, all the data went through encoding procedure for statistical treatment and frequency analysis was conducted with input data by using Windows SPSS/PC(ver. 18.0). For the AHP to decide priority order was implemented by using EC-2000. The results of this study is as follows. First, factors of ski resort industry selection attributes were extracted from the 3 rounds of survey targeting ski resort managers, people with Ph. D in the ski resort related field, professors involved in leisure sports, administrators of club web community with the largest number of club members by using delphi technique. Second, looking into analysis results of evaluation field, ``Accessibility`` and ``Price`` was judged to be preferentially considered and it was evaluated with the order of ``Slope``, ``Program``, ``Incidental facilities``,and ``Event``. Third, the analysis result through priority order of overall evaluation items seem to have the order of ``Road Condition``, ``Lesson Fee``, ``Course diversity``, ``Public transportation convenience``, and ``Snowboard program``.
Key Words
AHP, ski resort, selection attributes, priority order evaluation
Structural Relationship Among Ski Instructor`s Ski Plate Brand Association and Brand Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 스키 강사의 스키 플레이트 브랜드 연상과 브랜드 충성도와의 구조적인 관계
50(5) 209-221, 2011
Structural Relationship Among Ski Instructor`s Ski Plate Brand Association and Brand Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 스키 강사의 스키 플레이트 브랜드 연상과 브랜드 충성도와의 구조적인 관계
The purpose of this study is to examine the structural relationship between brand association and brand loyalty. Independent variable was the brand association, Mediating variables were perceived quality, brand affect and brand trust. Finally, dependent variable was brand loyalty. The subjects of the study were 195 questionnaires who ski school lecturer. This study used PASW Ver 17.0 for frequency analysis, reliability, correlation analysis and AMOS 5.0 for confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling. After confirming the test of goodness of fit of a model, individual hypotheses was verified. The results were as follows: First, brand association had a significant influence on perceived quality. Second, perceived quality had a significant influence on brand affect. Third, perceived quality had a significant influence on brand trust. Fourth, perceived quality had a significant influence on brand loyalty. Fifth, brand affect had a significant influence brand trust. Sixth, brand affect had a non-significant influence on brand trust. Seventh, brand trust had a non-significant influence on brand loyalty.
The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the levels of moral management practice among sport organizations in domestic and foreign countries, The subjects of research included KSPO, KOC and its subsidiary federations, Korea Counsil of Sport for All, and professional sport federations and clubs of both domestic and foreign countries. For the analysis, sport organizations` websites, tangible reports and documents, and newspaper article database were utilized to extract data related to each sport organization`s moral management practice and CSR activities. Based on the result of inductive content analysis, collected data were then categorized into the following domains: social welfare, education, school, academic research, cultural arts and sports, international relief and exchange, healthcare, disaster relief, environmental protection, and others. Frequency analysis of these CSR activities reflecting the values of moral management practice were used to compare the levels of moral management practice among different sport organizations. The result of the analysis showed that sport organizations showed either highly intrinsic or extrinsic orientation towards its moral management practice. Therefore, it should be noted that, by utilizing its unique resources, all sport organizations should exert efforts to achieve both organizational and social benefits through CSR activities in the long run.
Key Words
moral management practice, sport organizations in domestic and foreign countries, CSR
The Structural Relationships Between the Suitability of Pro-baseball Team-consumers` Corporate Social Responsibility, Team Identification, Relation Quality(Trust, Commitment) and Team Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 구단-소비자의 사회공헌활동 적합성과 팀 동일시, 관계품질(신뢰, 몰입), 팀 충성도와의 구조적 관계
50(5) 235-250, 2011
The Structural Relationships Between the Suitability of Pro-baseball Team-consumers` Corporate Social Responsibility, Team Identification, Relation Quality(Trust, Commitment) and Team Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 구단-소비자의 사회공헌활동 적합성과 팀 동일시, 관계품질(신뢰, 몰입), 팀 충성도와의 구조적 관계
This study was sought to provide the implication for baseball teams to raise their competitiveness by testing empirically between suitability of contribute to public welfare, team identification and relationship quality in attitude side and team loyalty in behavioral side. In subject for inquiry 1, spectators of Doosan Bears, SK Wyverns and Lotte Giants were selected as population among 8 professional baseball teams participated in 2010 CJ ``MaguMagu`` regular league. The survey was made up of 45 questions and by using convenience sampling method, total of 888 questionnaires were used as final validity sample. For data analysis, SPSS 17.0 version was used for descriptive analysis, frequency analysis, correlation analysis and compute Cronbach`s α to evaluate the internal consistency of each questions. By using AMOS 18.0, confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis using SEM were conducted. And the results are as follow. First, suitability between team and CSR activity influenced positively on team identification. Second, suitability between consumers and CSR activity influenced positively on team identification. Third, team identification influenced positively on reliability. Fourth, team identification influenced positively on immersion. Fifth, team identification didn`t influenced on team loyalty. Sixth, under relationship quality, reliability factor influenced on team loyalty. Seventh, under relationship quality, immersion factor didn`t influenced on team loyalty. Eighth, reliability factor under relationship quality didn`t influenced on immersion.
Key Words
pro-baseball, team-suitability of social contribution activity, consumer- suitability of social contribution team identification, relationship quality, team Loyalty
The Relations Between Attitude and Self-concept in Sport Participation for Middle and High School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 중,고등학교 학생들의 스포츠 참여태도와 자아개념과의 관계
50(5) 251-261, 2011
The Relations Between Attitude and Self-concept in Sport Participation for Middle and High School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 중,고등학교 학생들의 스포츠 참여태도와 자아개념과의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relations between attitude and self-concept in sport participation for middle and high school students. In order to achieve the objective of study, 1,038 middle and high school students who are at school in S city were selected for the sport participation attitude and self-concept questionnaire survey using cluster random sampling. Based on the collected data, factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent sample t-test, correlational analysis, and multiple liner regression analysis using the SAS system for windows(release 9.1). The results of this study were as follows. First, on self-concept differences according to personal variables, there were significant differences by gender and grade. Second, sport participation attitude of middle and high school students has affirmative influences on self-concept.
Key Words
sport participation attitude, self-concept
Effects of Multi-dimensional Perfectionism on Exercise Addiction in Leisure Sport Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육 참여자의 다차원 완벽주의가 운동중독에 미치는 영향
50(5) 263-274, 2011
Effects of Multi-dimensional Perfectionism on Exercise Addiction in Leisure Sport Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육 참여자의 다차원 완벽주의가 운동중독에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of multi-dimensional perfectionism on exercise addiction in leisure sport participants. A total of 191 male and female participants participated in this study. The results are as follows. First, male group compared to female group among leisure sport participants showed high scores on self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism among multi-dimensional perfectionism factors. Also, male group compared to female group among leisure sport participants showed high scores on exercise need and withdrawal symptom. Second, the more leisure sport participants participated exercise for long period, the more pursued other-oriented perfectionism, exercise need and withdrawal symptom. And the more participants increased the number of times being participated leisure sport, the more pursed self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism, exercise need and withdrawal symptom, emotional attachment. Third, self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism had a positive influence on exercise need and withdrawal symptom. And self-oriented perfectionism had a positive influence on emotional attachment.
Key Words
multi-dimensional perfectionism, exercise addiction, emotional attachment, exercise need
The Relationship Among Class Satisfaction in Activity Class, Psychological Well-being and Continuance of Physical Activities Class for University Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생의 교양체육 수업만족, 심리적 웰빙과 지속의도와의 관계
임진선JinSunLim , 이철원ChulWonLee
50(5) 275-283, 2011
The Relationship Among Class Satisfaction in Activity Class, Psychological Well-being and Continuance of Physical Activities Class for University Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생의 교양체육 수업만족, 심리적 웰빙과 지속의도와의 관계
임진선JinSunLim , 이철원ChulWonLee
The purpose of this study was to analysis the relationship among class satisfaction in activity class and psychological well-being, continuance of physical activities class of University Students. The data was collected from participants in activity classes of ``S``, ``Y``, ``E``, ``H`` university in Seoul. Convenience sampling method, a total of 264 samples were used for this study. To analyze data, we used frequency analysis, factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling by SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 8.0 programs. The result of this study were as follows; First, class satisfaction in activity class had impact of continuance of physical activity of university students. Second, class satisfaction in activity class had influence on psychological well-being of university student. Third, psychological well-being in activity class had influence on continuance of physical activities of university students. In other words, university student`s participated in activity class was implicit in leisure education. These result indicates that psychological well-being, continuance of physical activities will increase in class satisfaction.
Key Words
class satisfaction, psychological well-being, continuance of physical activities class
Recreation Conflicts Between Bicycle Riders and Pedestrian Walkers in Hangang Park 인문,사회과학편 : 한강공원의 자전거이용자와 도보산책자간의 레저갈등
김지혜JiHyeKim , 원형중HyungJungWon , 김미혜MiHyeKim
50(5) 285-294, 2011
Recreation Conflicts Between Bicycle Riders and Pedestrian Walkers in Hangang Park 인문,사회과학편 : 한강공원의 자전거이용자와 도보산책자간의 레저갈등
김지혜JiHyeKim , 원형중HyungJungWon , 김미혜MiHyeKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze conflict causes between bicycle riders and pedestrian walkers utilizing the road designed for Hangang bank and to inspect the coping behaviors as indicated by them. By utilizing a convenient sampling method, the questionnaires on ``recreation conflicts`` bicycle riders and pedestrian walkers were administered at 4 districts on the Hangang Park, A total of 327 copies were used for actual analyses and primary statistical analyses were difference verification and regression analysis. The results are showed as following. First, factor of causing recreation conflicts according to participatory type was the participatory intensity, the shared resources, the facility elements appeared to be higher in bicycle riders than pedestrian walkers and only the speed element was found out to be higher in pedestrian walkers than bicycle riders. Second, the coping behavior according to participatory type showed that the avoidance behavior was higher in bicycle riders than pedestrian walkers and the overcoming behavior wasn`t statistically significant. Third, the influencing factor causing recreation conflicts according to participatory type upon the coping behavior, both the shared resources and of disorder factors appeared to have the greatest influence upon the coping behavior of two groups. Thus the above results could be understood as a foremost empirical survey on mutual dissatisfaction suggested by two groups of Hangang Park. Based upon the results obtained the researchers came to a conclusion that these findings could be useful resources to minimize the conflicts occurring between bicycle riders and pedestrian walkers in Hangang park.
Key Words
recreation conflicts, bicycle riders, pedestrian walkers, Hangang park
The Causal Model Among Sport Participation, Group Cohesiveness, Military Life Adaptation and Organizational Effectiveness of Soldiers 인문,사회과학편 : 군 병사의 스포츠참여와 집단응집성, 군생활적응성, 조직효과성 간의 인과모형
구희곤HeeGonKu , 임수원SooWoenLim
50(5) 295-307, 2011
The Causal Model Among Sport Participation, Group Cohesiveness, Military Life Adaptation and Organizational Effectiveness of Soldiers 인문,사회과학편 : 군 병사의 스포츠참여와 집단응집성, 군생활적응성, 조직효과성 간의 인과모형
구희곤HeeGonKu , 임수원SooWoenLim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal model among sport participation, group cohesiveness, military life adaptation and organizational effectiveness of soldiers. For doing this, the soldiers in the army, the navy, and the air force under the Ministry of Defense as of 2009 were selected to be the population, and samples were extracted by using stratified cluster sampling, one of the methods of probability sampling. The number of the samples was 400 for each group by consideration of types of troops, and a total of 1,200 were sampled by ranks and specialities. A total of 1,067 questionnaires out of the collected ones, except for the ones inappropriate for research data, were used in this study as cases. The data was conducted of structural equation model based on the research hypotheses by using SPSS WIN 14.0 and AMOS 16.0 programs for statistics. As a result, sport participation directly and indirectly affected group cohesiveness, military life adaptation, and organizational effectiveness. In particular, group cohesiveness and military life adaptation were significant mediation variables connecting the relation between sport participation and organizational effectiveness.
Key Words
Sport Participation, Group Cohesiveness, Military Life Adaptation, Organizational Effectiveness
Relation Among Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Self Efficacy, Social Support, Continuous Participating Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 재즈댄스 참여자의 내적·외적동기, 자기효능감, 사회적지지, 지속의도의 관계
50(5) 309-323, 2011
Relation Among Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Self Efficacy, Social Support, Continuous Participating Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 재즈댄스 참여자의 내적·외적동기, 자기효능감, 사회적지지, 지속의도의 관계
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship among intrinsic & extrinsic motivation, self efficacy, social support and continuous participating intention. The subject was a population of 324 taking a dance class at Jazz dance center in Seoul, Daejeon, Jeonju, Daegu during the period of time Mar. 15, 2011 to Feb. 5, 2011. The data on 312 participants were used for actual analyses ane data were processed with SPSS 18.0 for Window and AMOS 7.0 for the verification of effects. The results of the analysis are as follows: First, intrinsic motivation had positive effects on self efficacy. Second, self efficacy had positive effects on social support and continuous participating intention. Third, intrinsic motivation had positive effects on social support and continuous participating intention. Forth, self efficacy mediated intrinsic motivation, social support and continuous participating intention.
Research on the Aesthetic Characteristics of Coquette(嬌態) in Korean Traditional Dance 인문,사회과학편 : 한국무용에서 교태(嬌態)의 미적특성에 대한 연구
50(5) 325-335, 2011
Research on the Aesthetic Characteristics of Coquette(嬌態) in Korean Traditional Dance 인문,사회과학편 : 한국무용에서 교태(嬌態)의 미적특성에 대한 연구
The purpose of this study can be seek to represent the feminine "coquetry" as feminine charm terms how the beauty aesthetic characteristics of dance in South Korea. How to used coquettish in the korean traditional culture Seeking feminine sensuality depicted through discussion, and it is discussed at the boundaries of eroticism and sexuality, with the aesthetic characteristics of the text of the dance in the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic relationship between language and interpret, its may varied meanings the physical beauty of dance language interpretation in terms of eastern aesthetics -Eumyu-Yanggang(masculinity-femininity). coquettish beauty with the aesthetic characteristics was acceptable fluid. Coquettish beauty how to apply for ``Chunaengjeon`` dance with the shifting status of the symbolic meaning contained in the Coquettish were analyzed. As a result, ``Hwajeontae of Chunaengjeoneun`` which contained smiling in with empathy is the elements of dance as an outgoing mood and sensibility of feminine coquetry. at the same time coquettsihe beauty which being sublime beauty, it has the inner beauty in the Lyric texts of Chunaengjeon, combined with Li-Ak Thought of Court Dance. finally, this study only applies to ``Hwajeontae of Chunaengjeoneun``, so the aesthetic characteristics of coquetry is limitations. Therefore, should be studied for ``Seungmu`` or ``Taepyeongmu`` with coquettish characteristics.
Study on the Utilization of Social Media for Dance Education 인문,사회과학편 : Social Media 활용의 무용교육적 고찰
50(5) 337-349, 2011
Study on the Utilization of Social Media for Dance Education 인문,사회과학편 : Social Media 활용의 무용교육적 고찰
This study discussed the utilization of social media for dance education, focusing on the use of internet cafe and YouTube. It is found that the expected effects of using an internet cafe for dance classes are as follows: (1) creating a community based on common interests (2) improving access to advice (3) enabling a self-directed learning (4) using multimedia materials for educational purposes, and (5) enhancing the exchange and communication with professional dance world. Internet cafe is used for dance class in two ways: creating an internet cafe customized for each class by teachers and utilizing other internet cafes containing relevant contents. On the other hand, the use of YouTube for dance class is expected to help (1) obtain comprehensive and organic knowledge and information about dance (2) provide indirect experience of foreign dance cultures (3) cultivate the ability to interpretate dance works (4) improve the ability to create and express dance movements, and (5) encourage an interest in learning dance. YouTube can be used as a space where educational materials are sourced from and learning outcomes are presented.
Key Words
social media, internet cafe, YouTube, dance education
Effects of Bicycle Handle Post Height and the Distance Between Bicycle Saddle and Handle Post on Anaerobic Cycle Performance 자연과학편 : 사이클의 핸들 포스트 높이, 안장에서 핸들 포스트까지의 거리가 단거리 사이클링시 최대 무산소성 파워요인에 미치는 영향
50(5) 351-360, 2011
Effects of Bicycle Handle Post Height and the Distance Between Bicycle Saddle and Handle Post on Anaerobic Cycle Performance 자연과학편 : 사이클의 핸들 포스트 높이, 안장에서 핸들 포스트까지의 거리가 단거리 사이클링시 최대 무산소성 파워요인에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of bicycle handle post height and the distance between bicycle saddle and handle post on anaerobic power outcomes. A total of 10 professional cyclists were recruited from C university for the study subjects. Under experimental conditions of varying bicycle handle post height and the distance between bicycle saddle and handle post, all the subjects underwent the Wingate anaerobic cycling tests for the determination of anaerobic power outcomes in a random order. The major outcomes of this study included peak power, the time to reach the peak power, mean power, maximum cadence, the time to reach the maximum cadence, cadence at the peak power, rate of fatigue, total work. Repeated one-way ANOVAs were used to compare the interaction effects of bicyle saddle and the distance between bicycle saddle and handle post on the power outcomes. For the handle post mean power, mean power/body mass, total work were significantly higher at a height of 84 cm than at a height of 74 cm or 64 cm. For the distance between bicycle saddle and handle post, mean power, mean power/body mass, total work were significantly higher at a distance of +4 cm from the baseline than at a distance of either 0cm or -4cm from the base line.
Key Words
cycle, handle post height, distance between bicycle saddle and handle post, maximal anaerobic power
Determination of Validity Evidence of a Physical Activity Monitor to Predict Energy Expenditure in Adults of Both Gender 자연과학편 : 성인 남녀의 에너지소비량 추정을 위한 신개발 운동량 모니터계의 타당도 검증
안중민JoongMinAn , 이만균ManGyoonLee , 성순창SoonChangSung
50(5) 361-369, 2011
Determination of Validity Evidence of a Physical Activity Monitor to Predict Energy Expenditure in Adults of Both Gender 자연과학편 : 성인 남녀의 에너지소비량 추정을 위한 신개발 운동량 모니터계의 타당도 검증
안중민JoongMinAn , 이만균ManGyoonLee , 성순창SoonChangSung
Validity evidence of a newly developed activity monitor to predict energy expenditure was determined in this study. Forty-seven collegiate students (24 males and 23 females) walked or ran on a treadmill at three intensities, i.e., 4.8 km/hr, 6.4 km/hr, and 9.7 km/hr, for six minutes for each intensity with connection to Vmax229, a kind of gas analyzer, as well as wearing Lifecorder and the activity monitor on their waist. Energy expenditure measured or predicted by the three instruments were compared. Main results of the study were as follows: 1) Energy expenditure in the activity monitor at 4.8 and 6.4 km/hr showed significantly lower than Vmax229, energy expenditure in Lifecorder at 4.8km/hr showed significantly higher than Vmax229. 2) There was significant positive correlation in energy expenditure among three instruments. Especially, the activity monitor showed higher correlation with Vmax229 than the correlation Lifecorder showed with Vmax229. It was concluded that the validity of the activity monitor was high enough to use. Research investigating the validity of the activity monitor including more various modes of exercise, intensities, and subjects of other ages and fitness levels would be warranted.
Key Words
energy expenditure, oxygen consumption. gas analyzer. accelerometer, validity
External Validation of Obesity Risk Measurement Scale for Korean Adults in Messick`s Validity 자연과학편 : Messick의 타당도 관점에서 한국성인용 비만위험측정척도의 외적타당화
50(5) 371-379, 2011
External Validation of Obesity Risk Measurement Scale for Korean Adults in Messick`s Validity 자연과학편 : Messick의 타당도 관점에서 한국성인용 비만위험측정척도의 외적타당화
Obesity Risk Measurement Scale(ORMS) was developed to measure property of obesity risk attitude for Korean adults. The ORMS consisted of six factors that are physical activity, meal habit, snack habit, gluttony, psychology, and heredity. Although it was developed and verified validity, it was not verified external validity to use generally. The purpose of this study was to verify external validity of the ORMS. This study used the external aspect of validity and the consequential aspect of validity in Messick`s six validity. The Korean adult`s Body Mass Index(BMI) category(normal, overweight, obesity) was external aspect of this study. One-way ANOVA was used to establish the external aspect of validity and multinomial logistic regression was used to establish the consequential aspect of validity evidence of the ORMS. The SPSS program was used and all alpha level was set at 0.05. The result of analysed the external aspect of validity indicated that factors of the physical activity, the gluttony, the psychology, and heredity had significant difference in the BMI category. The result of analyzed multinomial logistic regression to verify the consequential aspect of validity determined that all factors were not significant except factors of physical activity and heredity. The results of this study indicated the ORMS should be modified and supplemented to increase external validity.
Key Words
ORMS, the external aspect of validity, the consequential aspect of validity
Effect of Vitamin E Supplement on Plasma Antioxidant Enzyme, Lipid Peroxides and Muscle Damage Indices After High-intensity Resistance Training in Female Athletes 자연과학편 : 항산화 비타민 E 복용이 고강도 저항운동 후 혈중 항산화효소, 지질과산화 및 근 손상지표에 미치는 영향
50(5) 381-390, 2011
Effect of Vitamin E Supplement on Plasma Antioxidant Enzyme, Lipid Peroxides and Muscle Damage Indices After High-intensity Resistance Training in Female Athletes 자연과학편 : 항산화 비타민 E 복용이 고강도 저항운동 후 혈중 항산화효소, 지질과산화 및 근 손상지표에 미치는 영향
This study was to investigate the effect of vitamin E supplementation on plasma antioxidant enzyme, lipid peroxides, and muscle damage indices after high-intensity resistance training. Fourteen female Taekwondo athletes subjects participated in this study. They are divided into two groups: supplemented (vitamin E 1,000 mg/day) and placebo, and supplemented for 4-weeks. The high-intensity resistance training was set at 80% of 1-RM, for 4-weeks. Blood was sampled at before to and after the 4-weeks training, after the 2-day rest. Compared with supplemented, placebo had significantly lower total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), malondialdehyde (MDA) and thiobabituric acid-reactive subatances (TBARS) levels significantly higher after a 4-weeks resistance training. For supplemented, the antioxidant enzyme, lipid peroxides, and muscle damage indices returned to values of before resistance training after a 2-day rest. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that both heavy resistance training and 4-weeks vitamin E supplemented can result in decreased lipid peroxides levels and cell injury in female athletes. Further, proper rest after resistance training is necessary in order to reduce exercise-induced oxidative damage and allow the athletes to recover.
Key Words
vitamin E, antioxidant enzyme, Lipid peroxides, muscle damage indices, high-intensity resistance training
Correlation of Yoga Training with the Development of Static and Dynamic Balance of Pre and Post Menopausal Women 자연과학편 : 폐경 전·후 성인 여성의 요가 수련과 정적 평형성 및 동적 평형성 발달의 상관관계
김형돈HyungDonKim , 이재석JaeSukLee , 윤택은TaekEunYoun
50(5) 391-399, 2011
Correlation of Yoga Training with the Development of Static and Dynamic Balance of Pre and Post Menopausal Women 자연과학편 : 폐경 전·후 성인 여성의 요가 수련과 정적 평형성 및 동적 평형성 발달의 상관관계
김형돈HyungDonKim , 이재석JaeSukLee , 윤택은TaekEunYoun
The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of Yoga training with the development of static and dynamic balance of pre and post menopausal women. The participants were 47 women(premenopausal=26, postmenopausal=21) who have been exposed to Yoga for one year. The subjects were tested for body composition with DEXA, physical fitness, and dynamic balance with force plate. The results were analyzed with independent t test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multi-regression analysis using SPSS 18.0 statistical packages. There was statistically significant difference in static balance between pre and post menopausal. However, dynamic balance was not significantly different between pre and post menopausal women. Significant negative correlation was found with height and muscle endurance on static balance. Significant positive correlation existed in dynamic balance with weight, age, and BMI and significant negative correlation with flexibility. Furthermore age was selected as significant predictors for static balance and flexibility as predictor for dynamic balance. In conclusion Yoga could be effective means to maintain and improve the balance in the postmenopausal women.
Key Words
Yoga, static balance, dynamic balance, menopause
Effect of the Regular Physical Fitness Program on the Infant Rudimentary Physical Functions and the Self-esteem 자연과학편 : 규칙적인 체육프로그램 참여가 유아의 기초운동기능과 자아존중감에 미치는 영향
최진아JinAChoi , 김선응SeonEungKim
50(5) 401-410, 2011
Effect of the Regular Physical Fitness Program on the Infant Rudimentary Physical Functions and the Self-esteem 자연과학편 : 규칙적인 체육프로그램 참여가 유아의 기초운동기능과 자아존중감에 미치는 영향
최진아JinAChoi , 김선응SeonEungKim
This paper investigates the relation between a regular participation in the physical fitness and the infant basic physical functions and self-esteem. The purpose of this analysis is to provide information on effective guidance for the growth and development on physique of the infant. First, the regular physical program has a positive impact on the performance of the infant in the experiments of standing long jump and half-ball stroke, as well as in the one leg stand and balance beam walking. Interestingly, as the duration of participation in the program is longer, the physical program has a more enduring effect. Second, infants with regular physical fitness program are shown to have better performances in the 4 categories of the self-esteem(cognitive competency, peer acceptance, physical competency, and self-acceptance). And the longer participation in the program has more positive impacts. In conclusion, the correlations between the rudimentary physical functions, the self-esteem in the treatment group. The results of analysis also imply that above three elements(the basic physical functions, the self-esteem and the social skills)can be closely and harmoniously integrated by participating in the regular physical exercises.
Key Words
self-esteem, basic physical function
Effects of Combined Exercise On GH, IGF-I in Elementary Female Students as follow Menarche Existence and Nonexistence 자연과학편 : 초경 유무에 따른 복합운동이 초등학교 여학생의 GH와 IGF-Ⅰ에 미치는 영향
박치욱CheeWookPark , 양점홍JumHongYang
50(5) 411-418, 2011
Effects of Combined Exercise On GH, IGF-I in Elementary Female Students as follow Menarche Existence and Nonexistence 자연과학편 : 초경 유무에 따른 복합운동이 초등학교 여학생의 GH와 IGF-Ⅰ에 미치는 영향
박치욱CheeWookPark , 양점홍JumHongYang
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of GH, IGF-I according to practice of combined exercise in female students as follow menarche existence and nonexistence. Ninety subjects participated in this study from T, G, Y elementary school in B metropolitan city. Participants were selected two groups as follow menarche existence and nonexistence, and then each group divided into two groups as exercise and control group. The group conducted combined exercise programs consisting of RPE 11-15(50-65%HRR, 10-12RM), 50-60 minutes a day, and 3 times per week for 12weeks. The conclusions obtained from the above were as follow: The intra-group comparison increased menarchial exercise and pre-menarchial exercise group after the experiment. The between groups comparison, menarchial exercise and pre-menarchial exercise group was superior to pre-menarchial control and menarchial control group. The intra-group comparison increased only menarchial exercise group after the experiment. The between groups comparison, menarchial exercise and group was superior to pre-menarchial exercise, pre-menarchial control and menarchial control group. In conclusion, these results indicate that combined exercise positive effects on the GH and IGF-I. So We have continuous concern about menarchial students in the education field.
Key Words
GH, IGF-I, menarche, nonexistence, combined exercise, elementary school
The Effects of Abdominal Massage on the Body Composition, Cardiorespiratory Functions, Isokinetic Articular Muscle Functions and Serum Lipids in Obese Women 자연과학편 : 복부 마사지가 비만여성의 신체구성, 호흡순환기능, 등속성 근,관절기능과 혈청지질에 미치는 영향
김경룡KyungRyongKim , 방현석HyunSeokBang
50(5) 419-432, 2011
The Effects of Abdominal Massage on the Body Composition, Cardiorespiratory Functions, Isokinetic Articular Muscle Functions and Serum Lipids in Obese Women 자연과학편 : 복부 마사지가 비만여성의 신체구성, 호흡순환기능, 등속성 근,관절기능과 혈청지질에 미치는 영향
김경룡KyungRyongKim , 방현석HyunSeokBang
The purpose of this study was to validate the effect of abdominal massage to obese women, by identifying the changes of body composition, Cardiorespiratory function, isokinetic articular muscle functions, serum Lipid, 14 obese women, aging between 20-30 years old and were subjected equally into two groups(abdominal group of 7 women and control groupof 7 women), and abdominal massage was implied for 2 times/week during 12 weeks. Data was processed using SPSS 12.0 program, while two-way ANOVA with repeated measurement were performed for average difference verification. As a result, All the body composition(body weight, % fat, WHR, BMI), decreased after the subjects got massage. Vo2max increased significantly in the massage group than the control group and RQ decreased significantly in the massage group than the control group. isokinetic articular muscle functions of knee and waist joints increased significantly in the massage group than the control group. Among serum lipid, HDL-C significantly increased in massage group than control, while LDL-C and TC rather decreased, and leptin didn`t change. In conclusion, abdominal massage therapy seems to be recommended to up-regulate body composition, Cardiorespiratory function, isokinetic articular muscle functions, serum lipid, and as a result, positively effect on the improvement.
Key Words
Foot and Leg Massage, Serum Lipids, Cardiorespiratory, Isokinetic articular muscle functions
Reliability of Isometric Maximal Voluntary Contraction Test and Regression Equations to Predict One Repetition Maximal Strength in Women 자연과학편 : 성인 여성의 등척성 최대 근력측정의 신뢰도와 1-RM 추정식
Reliability of Isometric Maximal Voluntary Contraction Test and Regression Equations to Predict One Repetition Maximal Strength in Women 자연과학편 : 성인 여성의 등척성 최대 근력측정의 신뢰도와 1-RM 추정식
The purpose of this study was to reliability of isometric maximal voluntary contraction(MVC) test and regression equations to predict one repetition maximal strength in women. 50 female adult were performed isometric strength test-retest in reg extension (leg strength machine and Isokinetic test machine). subject estimated 1-RM by isotonic leg extension. The data analyzed correlation test and retest, between isometric leg strength machine(LSM) for reliability. Also regression analysis used for development of regression equations to predict one repetition maximal strength. As a result, The correlation was shown that high correlation between leg strength machine and cybex(test:182.84±33.60 VS. 185.31±34.69, r=.904; rest: 183.23±33.12 VS. 186.11±34.61, r=.981). Also, the reliability was shown LSM r=.985(p<0.01)) and Cybex r=.993(p<0.01)), between leg strength machine and 1-RM (r=.726, p<0.01) had linear relation. Regression equation were 1-RM(leg extension)=17.340+0.658×(MVC of leg strength machine). In conclusion, the regression equation on this study was recommended to predicted acceptable degree of accuracy to 1-RM of weight training machine and LSM isometric test can provide the formula to estimate 1-RM performance in untrained female adults.